8A at Fieldfare celebrating Miss McPartlin last week in school.


8A walked all the way to the Fieldfare for our lunch today, to celebrate Miss McPartlins last week in school, as she is leaving for a little rest before having her baby. 

8A was very sensible walking down the big hill and crossing the roads.


When at the Fieldfare, the learners sat nicely and did good waiting for their food. 

There were chicken nuggets, burgers, fish fingers, served with chips. Plus there was a pasta and sausage and mash.

As per usual, we all had lovely clean plates. 

After our main meal, we all had vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.

8A’s behaviour was amazing whilst we were in the Fieldfare. 


When back at school, I think we ALL agreed that walking down to Fieldfare was better than walking up the hill back to school.