Hello all, you join us at the end of a short week in school and we will be having another short week next week too!

On Monday morning we were off to the gym for our PE session. This week we worked in pairs against another pair of friends. The challenge was to complete 5 minutes on each piece of equipment (rower, bike, treadmill, cross trainer, air bike) and record the distance travelled when combined with your partner. The teams were Harry and Eshan VS Katie and Clayton, and Jacob and Danny VS Tyler and Lily. The winners were Katie and Clayton, and Danny and Jacob- well done!

In the afternoon we split for our usual cooking and Good to Be Me sessions. In Good to Be Me this week, Mrs Cobham and Miss Brown themed the session around having difficult conversations. They talked about times when everyone might have had to have a difficult conversation and how, even though it can be hard to have these conversations, it is really important that they still happen and that we speak to people about our feelings and our problems and worries.
In cooking, learners were making chocolate covered flapjacks and Nutella Rice Crispy cake. We were very impressed with the teamwork taking place and we are all getting better at reading the recipe then following the instructions that we have read.

On Tuesday morning there was no internet in school! We didn’t let that faze us in 11G and we still carried on with our usual lessons. In English we had a good discussion about prom and that it is only 9 weeks away! We talked about what will happen on the day of the prom and what usually happens in the evening too. We went around the class and everyone chose a staff member that they would like to invite to prom and we began to think of ideas for invitations to make to send to these staff members.

In the afternoon it was Online Safety again. This week the session was themed around the social media app Tik Tok and fake news. We talked about Tik Tok and what the app can be used for. We discussed the positives and negatives of using the app and how we can keep ourselves safe when using it. The main point was that if we use any social media and see something that we find upsetting/worrying/scary or anything that we don’t like, we need to tell someone about it and tell them how it made us feel. Your child will be bringing a parent’s information leaflet home tonight about Tiktok for you to read.
We moved on to looking at fake news and learnt that fake news is something that is untrue. People might create fake news to spread lies about someone or something, they might do it to make money, or they might share fake news because they believe that it is the truth. We talked about some examples of fake news and looked at a video on YouTube that someone had posted about the UK declaring war. We decided that if we are ever unsure if something we have watched or read is real or fake news then we can talk to someone we trust about it or use Google and look at reputable websites. Finally, we finished the session by talking about AI and how many companies and people use AI to create fake news because it makes it seem very real. We look at videos where someone had pretended to be Donald Trump and Lionel Messi using the celebrities faces and changing their voice to sound like them. We talked about how hard it was to tell that these videos weren’t showing the real people.


On Wednesday morning, Mrs Mahood was in class continuing our Enterprise project. Unfortunately, due to the lack of internet on Tuesday, we had only received 3 orders for bacon butties by Wednesday morning so Mr Crofts and Miss Snailham accompanied the learners around school to do some last minute selling. This turned the final number of bacon butty orders to 29! So with their work cut out, everyone got involved by completing their assigned jobs. This week Harry and Josh were cooking the bacon, Lily and Clayton were spreading the butter on the barms , Jacob was wrapping the barms in foil, Tyler and Danny were labelling the bags and bagging up the sandwiches and Katie was delivering. Excellent teamwork 11G and 26 happy customers!

In the afternoon it was time for our next PSHE/Sex and Relationships session. This week we were learning about the term “consent”, what it means and how important it is. We looked at different situations involving giving our consent and discussed whether this would be easy or hard to do. We learnt that we can always say no if someone asks us to do something that makes us uncomfortable and that we are in charge of our own bodies, not anyone else. Then we looked at situations where we ourselves need to ask for consent from someone else such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, touching hair, borrowing something from someone, sharing someone’s photo on social media etc.

On Thursday morning it was our next session at Chorley in Bloom. This week we enjoyed the sunny weather and helped Gill to water all of the plants on the site. Some of us used watering cans and Clayton used the hose pipe. When we had finished, Danny and Eshan helped Gill to plant some lettuce whilst the rest of us sprinkled some wild flower seeds along the sides near the train track and along the sides of the car park too. We all enjoyed spending some time in the sun.

Our Star of the Week in 11G this week is Tyler! A massive well done to Tyler for handling a very difficult situation very maturely and bravely. Tyler has also provided us with some excellent contributions in our discussions in class this week, especially in Mrs Cobham’s Good to Be Me lesson on Tuesday.

A reminder that we are not in school tomorrow as it is an INSET day and Monday is a Bank Holiday so we will see everyone back in school on Tuesday 7th May. Unfortunately, due to the bank holiday, there will be no gym visit next week.

We hope that everyone has a lovely long weekend together!

Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham and Mr Crofts