Welcome back to our final ever half term as 11G at Astley Park! It has been another fun filled week and as you will have heard, we have lots of fun things coming up over the next 6 weeks before it is time to bid farewell to everyone. 


On Monday morning, Mrs Cobham wasn’t in school as she was taking back some time that she was owed after her wonderful holiday to Las Vegas over half term to celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary with Mr Cobham. However, Mr Crofts and Mrs Fisher held the fort between them. 


We found out on Monday morning that Miss Greenwood has left Astley Park and that she has got a new job at a new school. We are sad that she will not be back with 11G but we wish her lots of luck in her new role!


In the morning, we were back to continuing our healthy habits and were out on the track in the sunshine. We will be building up the number of laps that we can jog in the hope of matching or beating our records from last year and will embed this as part of our daily routine again. 

In the afternoon, we had a bake off in class whilst preparing baking treats to sell in our tuck shop on Wednesday. We split into two teams: one making Rolo rocky road and the other making Cornflake and Malteser rocky road. We had to work together as a group to read the recipe and follow the instructions given correctly. 


On Tuesday we had debated whether or not to cancel our visit to Lytham St Anne’s due to the wet weather forecast. However, after discussion with the pupils it was decided we would still go ahead with our trip and hope for the best. Unfortunately, we were slightly delayed as there was no fuel in the minibuses but once Mrs Cobham and Mr Crofts had come to the rescue and filled up, we were on our way. Mrs Cobham drove the minibus, Mr Crofts drove the Tourneo and Mrs Fisher drove her car. 

When we arrived we went straight for chippy dinner on the pier, sitting outside to eat it and managing to avoid the rain. Delicious! Next, the rain has started again so we ventured inside the amusement arcade to explore the machines on offer. Everyone got £2 to spend as they wished. Some of us used our money on the 2p machines and won some tickets to spend whilst some of us used our money for the game machines. As we had arrived so late to Lytham, there was only half an hour left before we had to set off back to school so we spent it on the beach having lots of fun in the wind! We got back to school just in time for buses. 


On Wednesday morning, Mrs Mahood was in charge for our continuing Enterprise project of bacon butties. As usual, everyone took their turn completing one of the jobs needed: cooking the bacon, writing the labels, packaging the sandwiches and delivering and collecting the money. 

In the afternoon our final Entry level exams were sat and I am very pleased to say that everyone who took the exams over the past few weeks has passed! ASDAN coursework is all complete and is due to be posted to be externally moderated on Monday morning next week. 


Thursday morning was Chorley in Bloom. This week we met Gill and Iris at Chorley Train Station to get rid of the weeds and do litter picking to tidy up the area. 

After we had eaten dinner it was time for us to go with 11R to visit our prom venue for this year, Shaw Hill. Learners had previously voiced that they would like to go and see the venue prior to the prom to have a look around and then they know what to expect. All we can say is wow! What a beautiful venue. We can’t wait to see it all decorated and ready for us on 20th. 

We finished off the afternoon with some karaoke in class and looked for songs that everyone would like to use for the leavers assembly. 


On Friday morning, Mrs Cobham and Miss Brown took 4 of our learners to Cardinal Newman College for a transition session. Mr Crofts and Mrs Fisher stayed in school and completed some reading activities. 


A big congratulations to our Star of the Week, Josh. He is our Star of the Week this week for coping well with all the change in class with our trips out and changes of staff. Josh did excellent litter picking at Chorley in Bloom too. Well done Josh!


A huge thank you to Jacob’s Mum, Eloise for her very kind donation to our prom funds. We are very grateful for your generosity!


We hope everyone received the email with all of the important dates on for this half term. Thank you for those who have already sent in snack and cooking money. A letter regarding camping at school on 21st June will come home at the beginning of next week. Swimming is on Monday, please can everyone bring kit. 


Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham and Mr Crofts