On Wednesday, 8A did an exciting science lesson with Miss Robertson. Their target was to design their very own potion. 

Firstly 8A watched a clip from Harry Potter where the pupils from Hogwarts were making their own potions. 

8A then looked at different shaped potion bottles on their IPads to give them ideas of how they wanted their own potion bottle to look. 

8A then had to put their thinking caps on and come up with a potion of their own.  They were asked to fill in a work sheet on what would be in their potion, what the potion bottle would look like, the name of their potion and what the potion would do.

Wow, what fantastic designers we have in 8A. 

We had round bottles, square bottles, bottles with fancy designs on. We found that some of these potions would give you super powers, blow bubbles, make you invisible and make you fly, just naming a few. 


We will be making these potions next week, so watch out !