Summer 2 in 11R has been another busy week! We started off the week with Miss Anderton and on Monday we had a maths lesson on time in the morning and the afternoon we had a lesson on energy. We made our own paper plane launchers to test out wind power and once we made them we took them out onto the field to test them out. Everyone had lots of fun launching them and seeing how far they can go and we had a little competition on how far they could go.

On Tuesday we had a trip out to Worden Park with our friends in 11G. We spent the morning in the play area, running about and going on all of the equipment; the zip-wires were a big favourite amongst the learners, as well as the big tube slide! After this we went to get our lunches off of the mini bus and took them to the ornamental gardens to sit and eat, picnic style. We then split from 11G to have a go at the orienteering course, following the maps and finding the posts. We finished off the course at the pond where we saw lots and lots of ducks before heading back to school.

On Wednesday some of our learners went on a transition session to Runshaw college where they met some existing students and worked with them to bake some scones. The learners who stayed at school created fathers day cards ready for this weekend. In the afternoon we pushed through the wind and carried on with our tag rugby in PE. 

On Thursday we went on a class trip to Cobble Hay Farm. We spent the day with Steph who showed us all around the farm and we saw lots of different animals including lambs, sheep, calves, chickens, goats, rabbits and piglets. We got to stroke and feed all of the animals and we also got to meet Bonnie the black Labrador who joined us for our country walk. Everyone did such a good job on this trip, getting really stuck in the animals and asking some really great questions about what life on the farm is like.

On Friday we had some learners go to Newman college for their second transition session, and the learners at school did all of the ticketing for the tombola at the summer fair. We also did some work on the LGBTQ+ community as today we are celebrating Rainbow Day and Pride month. We created a flag and took it on our walk around the track where we joined the rest of the school. A big well done to our Star of the Week Chloe for her brilliant work at the farm!  It's been a really busy week this week but we've all had lots of fun.

Just a reminder next week is prom on Thursday so we hope everyone is looking forward to it and that you're all ready!

We hope to see everyone at the summer fair tomorrow, fingers crossed for some sunshine! 

Mrs Powell, Miss Anderton, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter.