Sports week in 8A


Our first activity at the start of our Sport week was Yoga. 

We were introduced to Tracey again who started our Yoga session by a little Meditation. We followed Tracey’s instructions and did a big breath in then big breath out whilst holding their chest with their hand.

We then copied some stretches which included a dog pose, child pose and a tree pose.

We then repeated some positive words, which were I am Strong, I am brave, I am loved.

We finished off by having a lovely relaxation whilst listening to some calming music.

8A then all had a go at using a drum stick on a bowl which made a lovely sound. 


When back in class, Miss Robertson asked 8A to write three sport activities they liked to do. We had football, swimming, running, just to name a few.

Miss Robertson then asked to write down activities that helped their minds. What fantastic activities they came up with. We had colouring, walking, bouncing on a ball, deep breathing, yoga, talking, again just naming a few. 


On Wednesday we had a visit from Ashley, a Personal Trainer. He set up the hall with lots of different exercise stations. There were weighted ropes, racket and balls for balancing, bean bags and a net, low hurdles and wobble boards. 8A all did good turn taking and tried every activity. 8A enjoyed each activity but we think the weighted ropes were their favourite. 


Then on Friday we were able to participate in some different ball game activities outside in the sunshine. 

There were goal shootings, aiming , catching and flipping of the ball. Every one had a go at each activity. 8A did fantastic ball control in each station.