24 Mar

10A - Spring 2 Week 5 - W/B 24.03.25

On Monday Lee was in again and this week she talked about employability. She showed some jobs on the whiteboard and asked if they were fake jobs or real jobs. There were some very funny jobs that people get paid for.  The pupils did a questionaire about their School and Home Habits and why these…

19 Mar

Oak Class are Healthy Hero’s!

Another busy week in Oak Class. We have continued our healthy eating theme throughout the week: listening to the sensory story about Sammy’s Favourite Foods and healthy lunch box activities, trying different new foods. We especially enjoyed the mango, popcorn and yoghurt. We all practiced our…

18 Mar

A colourful end to the week.

7A have had a very busy couple of weeks.

We have worked exceptionally hard on our Thinking and Problem solving, using cubes to measure different things and solving number problems.

In My Creativity everyone has been learning to play ‘3 Little Birds’ on the xylophone and more recently, the…

14 Mar

Football match 12.02.25

Before half term, 10 pupils chosen from the football team were picked to play in a match against another school! These pupils were picked because of their dedication to attending football practice regularly, therefore they were rewarded for their commitment. 


We did some training and…

11 Mar

Willow class shine

Willow class have had a super busy two weeks. They have completed amazing math work and really pushed and challenged themselves. We made pancakes for pancake day and our learner’s chose their own toppings and decorated their pancake. Our learner’s absolutely love our sensory stories, our new one…

10 Mar

10A - Spring 2 Week 3 - W/B 10.03.25

Another busy week for10A this week. On Monday morning Lee from the DWP came in for session 2 of our workshop. She talked about strengths people need to do their jobs, we discussed the strengths we have and completed a worksheet to show the strengths we have and use daily.

Picture News this week…

7 Mar

Oak Class make Pancakes!

This week in Oak class we have been independently decorating pancakes and making our own drinks. In our Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed watching Miss Melling splatting ‘5 current buns’ and showing us how to pour our very own drinks. Then it was our turn to decorate pancakes with fruit and…

3 Mar

10A - Spring 2 Week 2 - W/B 03.03.25

It’s Careers week In KS4! The learners have lots to look forward to and lots of different people coming into speak to them about their next steps. 

On Monday, a lady from Runshaw College visited our school to provide us with  information about the college experience. She spoke in detail…

26 Feb

Wonderful Willow have a great week back!!

Willow have had a great first week back and have been super busy!! The learner’s really enjoy our sensory story of ‘The Hungry Catepillar’ pretending to be caterpillar’s then to transform into butterflies. They have completed really good maths work and shown good engagement and their work has…

7 Feb

Know yourself, grow yourself -Children’s Mental Health awareness week.

On Monday Miss Troughton delivered Our Creativity lesson with the theme ‘Seaside’. This week we copied a picture by drawing it, then colouring it in. After this we got different materials and used glue to stick it to our pictures.

This week is Children’s Mental Health week.

Children's Mental…

28 Jan

The Hungry Caterpillar visits Oak Class!

What a busy active few weeks we’ve had in Oak Class!

We’ve been practicing our hand and foot coordination in P.E through catching, throwing and kicking balls. Also we continue to strengthen our core during our weekly balance bikes sessions too.

Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley…

18 Jan

Some of Sycamore take on Boccia

On Friday some of Sycamore Class went to a Boccia competition at All Seasons Sports Centre in Chorley.

They worked really hard and represented Astley Park so well, we are so proud of them! 

They cheered on all the other schools in the competition and we wracked up loads of points when it…