This week is sports week at Astley Park, and 7P have enjoyed getting into the spirit of sports week. We got to come to school in our sports wear, ready for any activities to participate in. 

On Monday we had a lovely session with an amazing yoga coach in the hall, and all of the children did superb and tried their best to copy all of the moves. 

Tuesday we had a very busy morning, making rain shakers. It was very exciting to make, and the children all tried really hard and worked as independently as they could to complete it. The children then decorated the rain shakers and made them look beautiful. We are going to use these in our lessons for the next few weeks. We then did some great work in P.E and some sensory circuits, before doing some super reading. 

We have been extremely lucky this week, in being able to have a visit from the ducks that sycamore class have hatched. We got to watch them in their cage walking around, having a drink and something to eat and even managed to have a little hold. They are so cute, thank you sycamore class for allowing us to be able to have the chance to see the cutest little ducks. 

To end sports week, we had some coaching from some really amazing sports coaches. We did a variety of different activities, and tried super hard and did really well. Some of the activities were quite tricky, but the children did superb at using their problem solving skills, and persevering when doing each task. 

The staff in 7P could not be more proud of how the children have done, when taking part in all activities this week. Well done 7P!!