We had a fantastic week this week! We went on lots of community visits to celebrate the end of term and to practise the skills we've learnt throughout the year linked to road safety and responding to other dangers in the community, as well as paying for items in the community. 


We went to Astley Park on Monday, Massa's Dessert and Cafe bar on Tuesday, the cinema on Wednesday (to celebrate Sofia's upcoming birthday - thank you to Sofia's mum for paying for this lovely outing for us) and we went to Lytham St Anne's on Friday. 


The children were all amazingly well behaved for all visits and were shining example for our school. We are so proud of them! The star of the week for this week will be awarded on Monday, as we didn't have time on Friday this week. 


We also unfortunately said goodbye to Mrs Webb this week, as she starts her new job next week. We wish you luck in the future and we will really miss you!