9P Martin Luther King 20.01.25
On Monday this week, 9P learnt about Martin Luther King Day! We read a PowerPoint about this inspirational man and then watched a video about him, before also watching a video about Rosa Parcs who also took a stand for Black Civil Rights in America. The children really enjoyed learning about…
9P’s First week of 2025
We’ve had a fantastic first week back in 9P!
On Monday, we did Phonics, Picture News and PSHE in the morning. They did really well in their decision making activities linked to road safety and social skills. We also made a group decision on where we want to go on our reward class trip before…
9P Chill Factor and Breakfast with Santa
9P have had a fantastic last two weeks of term! We have been to the cinema to watch Moana 2 as our belated Autumn 1 reward trip and we’ve been to Chill Factor and McDonald’s for our Autumn 2 reward trip. The children behaved amazingly on both trips and we had such a fantastic time!
9P Autumn 2 Week 6 - Cinema trip and lots of other fun activities!
9P have had a very busy week again this week!
On Monday, we did Maths in the morning and then PSHE and Weekend News in the afternoon.
On Tuesday, we went swimming in the morning and then did Science and Coding in the afternoon. Two of the pupils went on their community visit…
9P Autumn 2 Week 5 (2024-2025)
9P have had a very busy week this week, as you can see from how many photos we've taken!
On Monday, we did Maths in the morning and then PSHE and Weekend News in the afternoon.
On Tuesday, we went swimming in the morning and then did Science and Coding in the afternoon. Two…
9P celebrate International Men’s Day
On Tuesday, we celebrated International Men’s Day. We did a lesson linked to these celebrations on Tuesday afternoon.
In this lesson, we learnt about:
- stereotypes and looked at different types of stereotypes (with visuals for support)
- how men can be under a lot of pressure at work…
9P Autumn 2 Week 3
9P had a lot of essential learning experiences this week, which included:
- learning about Remembrance Day and showing our respect by participating in a one-minute silence as a whole school
- learning about Friendship week and participating in odd socks day as part of this essential…
9P Autumn 2 Week 2
9P had a fantastic week this week!
We did our usual community visits of attending the library and going swimming.
We celebrated bonfire night by creating our own bonfire crafts.
We had two lovely visitors who read with us for their Duke of Edinburgh experience.
We had such a good…
9P Diwali
In the first week back after October half term, we learnt about Diwali; a religious festival that is celebrated by Hindu people across the world. We taught the children that Diwali means 'festival of lights' and that houses, shops and public places are decorated with lights. We learnt about why…
9P first week 2024-2025
9P have had a fantastic first week back at school! They've all tried extremely hard with their communication, requesting and positive behaviours all week. We are so proud of them!
This week, we focused on fun activities, including the following:
parachute games
Final week in 8P!
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster but we’ve made it to the end of the school year! Well done 8P on a fantastic year, full of progress and consistently trying their best.
Here are some photos of our rewards trips this week to celebrate an amazing year!
8P Sum2 W6 - one more week to go!
We had a fantastic week this week! We went on lots of community visits to celebrate the end of term and to practise the skills we've learnt throughout the year linked to road safety and responding to other dangers in the community, as well as paying for items in the community.
We went to…