Last week, we decided in our English lessons that we would write a letter to Joe Wicks to tell him all about our topic Healthy Living and to ask him if he has any tips for us, so today we thought about what we wanted to tell him and what questions we had for him. Hopefully we will get a reply! In maths, we continued our work on addition and subtraction, with some of us looking at number bonds to 10, adding on 10 or using inverse operation to solve problems. In the afternoon, we created a poster on book creator about how to live a healthy lifestyle and what exercise we could do to help!

On Tuesday morning, we found the address for The Body Coach's Headquarters, to start writing our letters. We started the opening of our letters, by writing about what our favourite thing about our topic is so far. In maths we continued with our addition and subtraction unit. In the afternoon, we headed to Asda to buy the ingredients for our cooking lesson on Thursday. It was great heading down on a Tuesday, as we were able to walk through Chorley Market. We even bought some of our fresh ingredients from the fresh veg stall. 

Wednesday morning saw us back at Hindley for our swimming lesson. Stamina is building, as the teacher has split the double lane into 2, so there is even more opportunity to swim lengths. In the afternoon, it was our Ofsted Celebration afternoon. We had 3 giant inflatables that we were able to use, and in the breaks we had we got to eat party food! Was a great afternoon. 

On Thursday morning, we cooked our healthy chicken chow mein. We're trying to do this more and more independently.. but we're still forgetting to read the recipe through first! Still, we made a delicious, healthy meal. Definitely an improvement on last week - of those that tried it, all liked it, so 100% this week! In the afternoon we had PE. This week we worked on passing in our hockey lesson. We started with close passes, then added in a turn and finally we passed the whole length of the cage. Still working on accuracy but it's definitely getting better!

Finally, Friday started with work experience. We have learners going down to primary classes to help out, we have learners working for the site team and today I even had my own PA! What a treat! We then continued our maths learning, looking at patterns in numbers and we ended the day with golden time and celebration assembly. This week's star of the week is Daniel for 'smashing it' (his own words) in maths this week and showing lots of confidence in himself! Great work Daniel!