Our ‘new’ food this week was avocado, we had three who loved it but the majority of 7A didn’t like it!! On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards with Miss Troughton. They played a game, which involved stealing a potion from the Grand High witch without being caught. 

We have been working hard on practicing our handwriting this week. We wrote about things we were proud of, things that worry us, things that make us happy, our favourite food,book etc and a wish for our year in 7A. After this we wrote one question for a teacher of our choice to get to know our teachers a bit better. We learnt that Mr Staziker has a budgie. Mrs Chaloner used to play teacher when she was in Nursery and that’s why she wanted to be a teacher when she was grown up and how old Ms Brown and Miss Wilkins were.

7A have been learning all about Zones of regulation. We learnt that if you were playing a game and lost, you could possibly be in the red zone. We discussed different strategies to help us get back into the green zone. These included the stomping spot, punching the beanbag or bouncing on the trampette. 7A agreed that these would work and help.

Today Year 11 held their MacMillan Coffee morning. There was so many cakes to choose from, it was such a hard choice but we all managed and enjoyed them very much :)Unfortunately King Charles couldn’t make it but we had a very good stand in.

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend ready for week 5!!