A Healthy Frosty New Year in Oak!
A busy healthy and frosty start to the term in Oak Class!
We have all settled back into our daily routine well and have enjoyed exploring the snowy frosty environment this week.
At Asda we have bought lots of fruit and vegetables for our friends to enjoy at snack time. This has helped us…
Festive Fun in Oak Class!
A super busy festive few weeks in Oak Class!
Everyone has made good choices whilst out in the community, from walking to Asda, ordering lunch in the cafe, walking to Astley Park walled garden, travelling to swimming and playing at Devonshire park.
‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ is partying in Oak Class!
Wow another very busy, exciting 2 weeks we’ve had in Oak Class! Everyone has worked super hard with their learning, from singing and counting The Very Hungry Caterpillar body parts in maths, solving missing number sequences and matching the caterpillars food items to numbers too.
Oak Class make a busy start to Autumn 2!
Welcome back after our half term break, we worked so hard in Autumn 1 that we all earned a little time off, but now we are back and ready for Autumn 2!
Our main theme ‘This is me’ is continuing right through for this half term and we will build on our independence skills with dressing and…
What a super busy 2 weeks in Oak Class!
A super busy 2 weeks in Oak Class!
Everyone has made super choices while out in the community, from walking to Asda, ordering lunch in the cafe, travelling to swimming and playing at the local park.
We even had a trip to Preston’s SPACE centre last Friday too. The children explored lots…
The Colour Monster visits Oak Class!
Wow! What an amazing week in Oak class! We have not stopped learning, from counting and matching numbers at the beginning of the week to exploring ‘The Colour Monster’ as our social story. We looked at feelings and created our own Colour Monster by choosing the coloured feathers…
A fun-filled week in Oak Class!
The sun has been shining this week and with the glorious weather we've had a brilliant week in Oak class!
Everyone has joined in singing and dancing along to the wiggle dance, we have also sung along to counting, cooking, and autumnal rhymes and songs too.
On Tuesday, some members of Oak…
‘What a fabulous few weeks in Oak Class!’
Oak class have had a fantastic two weeks since returning to school after the holidays! They’ve worked so well learning our daily class routines and new faces!
Some highlights over the past two weeks include:
- Swimming lessons
- Walking to Asda, shopping for food technology ingredients…
The ‘3 Little Pigs’ Visit Chestnut Class!
Chestnut Class have had a very exciting week learning all about ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials and making pig houses out of straw, sticks and duplo, and pretending to blow them down.
We all decorated a biscuit with pink icing and marsh mellows to make a pigs…
Chestnut explore ‘Spring’
This week in Chestnut class we have been learning all about spring. We have used forks in different coloured paints to make tulip pictures, painted blossom trees using our fingers, dug in the soil filling the plant pots, and looked for worms in the soil. We have explored the school grounds with…
Chestnut Class Explore Colour
This week in Chestnut Class our theme has been 'The Countryside'.
In class, Alex has been counting of all our farm animals and sorting big, medium, and small.
We have all been getting musical and enjoyed singing ‘Old Macdonald Had A Farm’ during what's in the box. LeBron did really well…
Chestnut Class Have Been Busy at Home and at School!
Wow, what a busy week Chestnut Class have had!!
Alex did great work on Education City, did lots of reading, and loved playing on the scooter board. Benedict did lovely vocalising during Intensive Interaction with Miss Beck and has made fantastic progress during his changing routine. George…