Chestnut class have had another busy week!

We started the week with Remembrance Day. We explored poppies and painted our own poppy pictures using potatoes. 

On Wednesday we made friendship bracelets! We threaded coloured pasta onto string to match a pattern. We've practiced our turn taking skills across lots of activities, following visuals and passing items on to the next person when our turn had finished.

On Thursday we enjoyed scooters in the cage in the afternoon, we are practicing putting helmets on to keep safe! 

On Friday we celebrated children in need. Mrs crouch made a Pudsey face out of sand in the tray during what’s in the box. 

We then did finger painting to decorate Pudsey bandage and made a face on Pudsey pictures.

Zachary sent in chocolate cake and we had a birthday celebration for snack on Friday afternoon! 

What a fantastic week!