This week we have had another excellent week. The staff team in 8P are extremely proud of all of the children in class.
The week started off with weekend news and lots of super reading from the children. We had a visit to Asda to buy our ingredients for cooking on Thursday. The children did a fantastic job when crossing over the roads, being sure to stop, look and listen.
On Tuesday it was international men’s day. We spoke about why it is celebrated and about the men that we could celebrate in our lives, and what makes them special. In 8P we printed off some photos of mr Preece as the only male member of staff in class, and made him a special card to tell him we appreciate him. Some of us did cards to send home, and others in class wrote an ‘all about my dad’ poster to take home.
Throughout the rest of the week, we have had circle time, where we discussed our school values and what we could do to put these values into practice. We had another community visit and had a trip into town to have a look for all things Christmas!
We have done some maths and reading this week. Alongside doing some cooking this week and we made omelettes, all the children worked hard and did super listening to the instructions. Most of the children tried them and found them delicious. Music was a little different this week. We did a practice of our Christmas song choice, using different instruments as well as singing and signing!