On Monday in Our creativity we made colourful jellyfish which we got to take home. We enjoyed cutting tissue paper and sticking it all together then making the dangly tentacles. They looked great.
In PHSE this week we looked at how we look after ourselves. An in depth conversation began about what we all had had for breakfast and what we could swap to make it healthier.
Everyone has a food diary which has been sent home and we will compare them in a future lesson next week.
On Tuesday some of us went on our community visit to Asda. We did our shopping for snack and breakfast. We bought fruit including our food of the week, nectarines, which most enjoyed although they were still a little crunchy so will try them again when they have ripened and are juicy. We apid and then visited the café as we had all done an amazing job. The pancakes went down a treat. The rest of us enjoyed snack back in class.
Our ‘Our planet’ lesson this week we learnt all about recycling. Mrs Chaloner delved into the bin (not sure she enjoyed this) to discuss whether items in there should be there or recycled. Most items in there should have been and the odd one that wasn’t was put into the correct recycling bin.
Some of us researched recycling systems in a different country. We learnt that in Sweden it is a legal requirement to recycle food waste and only 1% of waste goes to landfill. They have a can and bottle deposit system where they get money for recycling.
Another group sorted out different items into the correct recycling bin and talked about what things we recycle at home.
Everyone has had a great week.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.