31 Jan

Ourselves and Our Planet.

On Monday in Our creativity we made colourful jellyfish which we got to take home. We enjoyed cutting tissue paper and sticking it all together then making the dangly tentacles. They looked great.

In PHSE this week we looked at how we look after ourselves. An in depth conversation began about…

17 May

Around the World with 11G

In class, 11G enjoy using Earth Cam to look at different webcams around the world. We have travelled to Times Square in New York, Porthmeor Beach in Cornwall and a manatee cam in Florida where we’ve spotted sharks and lots of brightly coloured fish and lots of other places. But our favourite…

17 Nov

Thank you for being a friend in 8A

Thank you for being a friend in 8A


This week has been “Friendship week” at Astley Park. 

We have been looking out for our learners being kind towards other. 

We have seen learners looking after their friends whilst out walking to and from Asda in the high winds. We have also seen…

23 Jun

8A Rainbow Week and Sports Week.

Apologies for the missing Blog last week. 8A had such a busy week that it completely slipped by without us posting so this week we are covering both weeks. 
We hope you enjoy our Rainbow Flag design incorporating the AP logo. We enjoyed the parade around school looking at everybody’s designs. We…

8 Nov

Remembrance Day - KS4 My Choices Day 10R and 11R Autumn Term 2022

Today the 'R' classes in KS4 took part in their My Choices Day.  This is a collapsed curriculum day where option subjects are chosen by the pupils and they study their choices based on the theme. This term it is Remembrance Day and the option choices were: History, Geography, Art, Modern Foreign…

20 Oct

7A visit Pumpkin Patch Farm

What a great day 7A have had!!!

We visited Pumpkin Patch Farm in Scarisbrick. We were met by James who showed us where everything was then off we went.

We walked up and down the field in our wellies looking at all the different shapes, sizes and colours of pumpkins. There were orange, green,…

10 Mar

Willow class explore our local environment

This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test! 

2 Mar

Willow class go green

This half term Willow class are looking at our local environment and what we can do to look after it, alongside caring for our planet. We are looking at ways to be more eco friendly and ways we can make our local habitats/communities a better place.

We have had some great discussions about what…

2 Feb

Willow class celebrates Chinese New Year

On Tuesday it was the first full moon of the Lunar calendar which meant it was Chinese New Year! 
pin Willow class we looked at how this special event is celebrated and why it is important to Chinese culture. We looked at ways people around the world celebrate the special day and days following…

21 Jan

A productive week in 7A !

This week has been a little different in 7A , but that didn’t stop them . 
This week we have engaged in lots of fun activities and even had a go at some challenges . 

We have enjoyed some leaping and landing gymnastics in PE . Some of this felt a little but scary for some children on the…

19 Nov

11R - One kind word, good CLEAN fun making soap and a birthday boy.

Another busy week in 11R. With this week being friendship week, we started off with odd sock day on Monday. The students have spent time this week thinking about this year's friendship week theme "one kind word." We spent time discussing the difference between bullying and banter with staff and…

11 Jul

9R It’s Coming Home (fingers crossed)

We have had a football themed week this week.

We have worked independently using book creator on our iPads to make a presentation about a country of our choice from the Euros.

We had to find the flag, find the country on a map and highlight it and then find some interesting facts - who knew…