This week, Chestnut class has had such a fun and busy week! To begin the week, we continued to read ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and did some excellent sitting and listening. We helped Miss Seddon read the story and took it in turns to identify the correct characters on the core board. We participated in gingerbread themed activities throughout the week, such as making our own gingerbread men biscuits in food tech, and colouring in gingerbread men with colourful crayons.
Our trips to Iceland and the postbox continued, and we did an amazing job at good walking and staying safe by holding an adults hand. We did great listening in the shops, picked items off our shopping lists and payed with money from our purses.
Tuesday was pancake day! We took turns at flipping our pancakes in a frying pan and choosing our delicious toppings, such as chocolate spread. Yum!
In our ‘Listening Box’ session, we did great turn taking, listening to different sounds and identifying which animal makes that sound.
During Sweet Treat Sensology with Miss Seddon we -
Hearing - listened to the crunchy crisps
Seeing - looked at fruit shadows
Smelling - smelt sweet vanilla
Touching - touched sticky icing with our fingers
Tasting - chose a sweet treat, such as chocolate
On Friday with Mrs Crouch, we used our excellent climbing skills to climb the beams, and practiced our gross motor skills to kick the footballs into the nets! We took part in a ‘What’s in the box’ session in the morning where we watched a fizzy lemonade fountain and got to pour our own juice. Yummy! Lastly, we celebrated International Womens day where we looked at photos of women in our families that inspire us.
Have a great weekend Chestnut class!