What a brilliant last week we have had in Chestnut Class. We have enjoyed our daily relaxation and sensory walks looking for mini beasts as we explore the great outdoors. We had great fun during our play-dough gym sessions making a wiggly worm short and long, and bugs big and small, we especially enjoyed making spots for a ladybird.

Noah did fantastic sorting of the mini beasts and farm animals, he knew exactly who lived where. Well done Noah super sorting!

Harry did a great job with our sheep and pig animal 2D shape activities. Harry was able to find all the correct shapes and put them in the correct place making 2 fantastic pictures. Great work Harry!

We all listened to the story of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. George amazed us this week with all the new words he has been saying, and copying the animal sounds during this story. Well done George, keep up the hard work!

Thanks to Mrs James and Mr Flavell, Chestnut class were able to develop their musical skills. First we listened to a song about the ladybird story and we all played along taking it in turns playing different musical instruments. Then Mr Flavell played the guitar whilst Thomas danced along showing off his brilliant dancing skills. Great dancing Thomas well done!

Hope you all have a great summer holidays!

Stay Safe

From all of the Chestnut Team