We’ve all had a great start to the term and settled right back into Chestnut Class. This week is themed around ‘Autunm and Bonfire Night’. Chestnut class have worked so hard this week developing their number skills by singing number songs, exploring and counting the autumn leaves, conkers and pine cones.
We all did fantastic listening and really enjoyed our new story called ‘A Cold Dark Night’ about a hedgehog called Ned who was searching for a home. Then we went off to make our own little hedgehogs out of playdough, pasta for spikes and googly eyes. We have also created some amazing colourful pictures of fireworks and leaves by splatting and rolling different materials through paint, glitter and foam. They all looked amazing, great work everyone!
We ended the week by making our own rocket fireworks out of shapes printing using shapes and stacking blocks to see who could get the tallest tower rocket.
Congratulations to our ‘Star of the Week this week’ Ethan for doing great singing and dancing during our movement time and for being a super star!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, stay safe!
From Miss Heaton, Miss Beck, Mrs Worthington and Miss Tate