This week 8R have been doing some super work on gender stereotyping and how everybody can be different and how we can make sure we talk to people in the best way.

We did some work in small groups and looked at the different ways people can be different. We talked about how our families, hair colour, eye colour and skin colour, and lots more, can all be different but that is ok and we still respect people even if they are different to us. 

On Wednesday we did some work with Mr Murphy about how everybody is different, using potato’s. Everybody was given a potato, which they had to study, as then all the potato’s were mixed up and each person had to go and identify which potato was theirs. After the potato’s had been claimed Mr Murphy explained to us that even though our potato’s looked different they could still all make chips, mash and roast potatoes. We knew that even though the potato’s looked different they were all amazing!

On Friday we worked in small groups to complete a challenge set by Miss Brophy. We had to use uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows to see which group could build the biggest tower. While we were working in our group we were thinking about the way we spoke to each other, we made sure to use our manners and talk to people in a nice and respectful way. We had lots of fun doing this and it was super hard to make sure the towers stood up but we worked well within our groups.

To challenge gender stereotyping we looked through lots of jobs and decided which we thought were jobs that only men or women could do. We put them into different groups for mens or women’s jobs but there was some that we thought both men and women could do so we made a new pile. Some of us thought only men could do jobs like being a mechanic until Miss Brophy told us that she knew someone who was a woman and is a mechanic. We also thought that only women could be midwives until Mrs Devlin told us that one of her midwives when she was pregnant was a man! After sorting out the jobs we discussed about how gender stereotyping, what this is and how it can make people think women or men can’t do certain jobs. We also spoke about how gender stereotyping can make people think only girls can like the colour pink and that boys can’t play with dolls. 

We have done some really grown up and tricky work this week and are very excited for a nice chilled weekend!