Last week Willow learnt about Islam, concentrating on how Islam teaches us to show kindness and to be charitable. We looked at their religious book, the Qur’an and what values Muslims are taught by Islam.
We are very lucky in Willow class because one of our friends taught us about how he practices Islam and helped the teachers to explain about different elements of the religion.
We looked at the symbolism of the moon and the star, then made our own salt dough stars to take home to give to someone as an act of kindness. We worked together in groups to mix our own salt doh and use our star cutters before baking them for a long time! We had to do good waiting to be able to decorate them the next day. We also looked at art inside Mosques and created our own beautiful mosaic art.
Willow teachers were very proud of how curious everyone was and how respectful, understanding that we all have different beliefs to each other in Willow class and that’s what makes our class so interesting and special.