28 Jun

Week 5 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut Class have continued to explore Under The Sea topic through Attention Autism, creativity, and the continuous provision. We’ve been counting sandcastles, ice creams and sea creatures and finding out how many left when one is taken away. We’ve been practising our pouring skills…

7 Jun

Rowan class visit the pet shop !

This week Rowan class have been very lucky to visit the pet shop.  Some children travelled via the mini bus and some children used their road safety knowledge and put it to work on the walk there. 
The children enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and talked about the animals different…

3 May

8P Summer 1 Week 3 - a great week!

We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P this week! 

On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson. The children focused really well in PE and PSHE this week. 

On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other…

26 Apr

8P Summer 1, Week 2

We’ve had a fantastic week again in 8P!

On Monday, we did our weekend news. In the afternoon, we did our first Athletics PE lesson and then did our differentiated PSHE lesson.  


On Tuesday, half of the class went swimming and the other half stayed in school and learnt about Eid. In…

19 Apr

8P Summer 1 Week 1

We’ve had a fantastic week in 8P! What a great first week back. 

On Monday, we did our holiday news, where we looked at lots of photos of what we did in the holidays and talked about our time off school. In the afternoon, we played on the wobble boards and then did our PSHE lesson on body…

28 Mar

8P final week 28/3/24

We have finally made it to our last day before the Easter break. 

8P have had a lovely week.

We have been to the supermarket, where we bought items for our food technology lesson.

We have made a variety of sandwiches which we ate this morning, before making some really nice Easter…

22 Mar

8P week 5, 22/3/24

It has been a lovely week in 8P and we have all been busy taking part in lots of different activities. 

To help us with our maths, we had a trip out to a local supermarket where we chose things from our  shopping list. We each took turns to pick items up from the shelves, but the best part was…

11 Mar

9A Week 4

This week you will see a new face in our pictures as we have a new member of the class team, Miss Knott. Miss Knott has been a great help and we are happy to have her.

This week is Neurodiversity Week in school, we started our Monday Morning off by talking about how our brains are different and…

29 Jan

9A week 3 Spring 2

On Monday morning in My Thinking and Problem solving we looked at column addition, we all worked together to solve a problem on the whiteboard with Miss Bentham. Then we solved our own problems using numicon if we needed it. 
Aftef break we did some reading and sounds-write with Mrs England.It…

24 Jan

Super sycamore !

On Monday group 2 went swimming. We are so proud of the achievements of group 2 this week . All of the children got in the pool and have shown us confidence and so much willing . The children did some super scooping with arms , kicking and blowing bubbles in the water. 
In maths we have continued…

18 Jan

Snow day in sycamore class !

On Tuesday we arrived at school to a beautiful white blanket of snow. 
We could not miss this opportunity to give our children a range of experiences. 
The children did some brilliant team work , using good communication skills , taking turns to build the most fabulous snowman . 
In maths we…

16 Jan

9A Week 2- Term 2

On Monday morning we had maths. We finished off our Capacity work and played a game to test how much we remembered. In my communication we had a think of some questions about the police to ask the PCSO on Wednesday. After lunch we did yoga to help get us ready to learn again. Then we learnt about…