This week Willow class have been looking at wellness for children’s world mental health week. 
In class we have been looking at things that make us feel happy and positive- working hard with our work, playing with friends, time outside and exercise. Children at home tried some different activities set in their activity banks, looking at addressing feelings and some games to play with their families. They also did some hard work on their individual teams calls with Miss Riley and Mrs Lane. Alfie and Hasan did some super English work. 
On Friday Chris, Luca and Hasan joined their friends in class for a zoo themes yoga session where we tried different movements linked to the animals. Mrs Smith held the camera so our friends at home could copy and join in and was so impressed with all the boys at home! Well done everyone!

A special well done this week to Luca who is our star of the week for all of his hard work with his reading and writing on his teams calls this week! Keep up the good work Luca!