We had a great teams call on Tuesday - Sam, Faith, Sarah and Thomas joined us. We talked about our favourite books and Mrs Cobham read us two stories.
We each talked about our favourite book - Faith likes the Dinosaur that pooped a princess, Sam said he liked reading about Everton football club, Sarah had a few books and said she likes David Williams and Thomas liked Horrible Histories Cracking Castles. In class Michael chose Holes, Callum likes Star Wars books, Rebecca likes to read Famous Five books, Robyn enjoys Matilda and Lewis likes the book Cheeky Monkey. We had a quiz where we had to guess the book description that Mrs Cobham was reading, Thomas and Rebecca were very quick to work out the answers - Well done.
We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday and enjoyed the celebration assembly where we could see all the other costumes.
This week we have researched Winston Churchill and used PicEdu to make a collage.
Our star of the week this week is Robyn - for working hard in class and showing maturity in a difficult situation - well done Robyn.
On Friday we said “Goodbye” to Miss Troughton - we have loved having her in class since Christmas and we hope she will come and say hello.
We can’t wait to have the 9R back together next week.