Today 9G wore red to celebrate standing against racism.
In class we spoke about what racism is, and how we have to be kind to everyone no matter what their differences. We read the story ‘We are all different’, and then took part in some circle time activities. We spoke about what makes us different, what we like about each other, and how we can react if someone does something unkind.
We looked into Afro hair as some learners hadn’t heard of it before. We then took part in an activity where we passed one apple round, saying mean things about it and dropping it on the floor. We then passed another apple and passed it nicely saying kind things. We then cut them open to see the difference.
9G noticed that the apple we had been mean too didn’t look very good, so I explained this is how people feel when others say mean things and hurt them. You might not be able to see it on the outside. We then spoke about the other apple which looked fine on the inside. This is what happens when people are kind to one another.
Great work 9G!