We always have a busy week in 9R and this week has been no different.

In Communication, Language and Literacy we have have been working on Harry Potter based activities. Some learners have been using the story plans they worked on last week to write their own story, while others have made their own sentences using colourful semantics which they have then transferred to iMovie on their iPad adding sound effects and movement, we are looking forward to sharing our finished stories with each other.

On Wednesday we had a lovely walk to the park, which Robyn very kindly blogged earlier this week, it was great to be outside of school with our friends doing something we haven’t been able to do for such a long time.

Mrs Cobham has finished the maths assessments and we are pleased to say everyone in 9R has done very well - we are very proud of you all.

On Wednesday afternoon we had art with Madam Bigio - we had to draw our own outline of Hogwarts castle which we cut out and then placed on another piece of paper before using paint to make the outline and the sky.

We have watched the end of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone which we all enjoyed and we are enjoying listening to Mrs Cobham reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at lunchtime.

On Thursday afternoon we used our iPads to draw a Harry Potter character - can you guess who they all are?

Sarah brought her book from home to read in her free time and Malachi has been learning to crochet with Robyn.

Our Stars of the Week this week are Malachi and Sarah for independently writing their stories and supporting each other during the activity.

House of the Week is Gryffindor for using good manners and including everyone.

I wonder which house will have the most house points at the end of next week.