This half term Chestnut Class have been enjoying our new topic about Pirates. In our PE sessions we are focussing on developing our gross motor skills via Pirate themed activities. We haven’t just been ‘walking the plank’ we have been travelling along the plank in different ways including pulling our bodies along and even shuffling forwards and backwards! We have been throwing ‘treasure’ into the treasure chest using under arm throws and travelling through the ‘cave’ coordinating our arms and legs. We have been using ‘stepping stones’ to get to land safely and focussing on relaxing and calming our bodies following these alerting and organising activities. 

During Attention Autism and adult led sessions we have digging for treasure, finding treasure which is magnetic and creating pirate hats using different tools to paint and learning to mix colours to create new colours.  We love the song, ‘ It was a rainy day when I went to play down by the sea’ and have been completing the movements in class. Lots more Pirate fun to follow!