This week in maths 7a have been working really hard with subtraction. The have been able to use number lines to work out subtraction equations up to 20. Some of the children worked in small groups and others independently. The teachers were super impressed with our subtraction superstars this week. The children engaged in some messy play to search for subtraction equations and answers. 

On Tuesday we explored the outdoors again and incorporated maths shape . This week was a huge success seeing progress with the children’ independance growing . Most of the children was able to follow instructions and find the shapes in the environment and name qualities of each shape e.g the shape name , how many sides and how many corners.  Well done your hard work and super listening each week is really paying off. 

During nature this week we have been exploring different ways to wake up our fine motor skills ready for writing. We have used small peg boards building patterns , play dough , threading and tweezers grip and explore different materials. 

In English we have been reading a story in parts working our way through to listen to peers and read aloud. The children then had a 4 part story board to complete to re-tell the story with pictures and a sentence including an adjective. The children showed pride in their work which was so lovely to see. 

This week in origami the children have done really well moving up a level with a trickier folding technique. The children watched Mr Massey lead before having a go independently with staff available to to support if needed. The paper needed to be carefully manipulated along the folding lines to create the foxes face . This was so tricky Mrs Smith struggled but luckily had the class of 7a to help her out . Good job 7 a . 

At the end of the week with Miss Troughton we had some fun in music with a class quiz . The children had to listen carefully to music and guess the name of the song and film. They really enjoyed it and did really well putting hands up to answer questions. Class then moved onto boomwackers , they played lots of different songs .


Another brilliant week in 7a !

Have a lovely weekend , 

Mr Massey , Mrs Smith, Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew.