This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.

This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and recipes discussing if they were healthy and if they were dishes everyone in class would enjoy making/trying. We all liked the look of couscous as some friends said they enjoy plain foods and this is a food we can give different flavours. The second food we decided to pick were cheese crepes; we agreed we could practice using a new piece of food preparation equipment- a toastie machine- to make a version of these. Finally we looked at all the beautiful deserts shared during Eid celebration meals. We voted on deserts we all like and found we all had one in common- strawberry Jelly! 
On Thursday Miss Riley brought the big shopping bag in and we got busy cooking! We haven’t used boiling water or toastie machines to cook for so we had an important talk about kitchen safety first! Willow class were very sensible and agreed we must move slowly around the room and listen carefully to where teachers say to touch/hold the equipment.

We split into three groups and all had a go at making a cheese crepe, a strawberry jelly and chose a flavour of couscous to make. Willow did a fantastic job at working together in their groups, using new equipment safely and preparing some fantastic food. Everyone was very patient waiting when it was their turn to move onto the next cooking activity. 
When we saw our finished foods some of us had a try and some of us just had a smell. We spoke about using kettles and toastie machines to help families prepare food at home and how this is good practice for when we are adults cooking for ourselves.