They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!

The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting appropriate colours and have explored spaghetti and pasta in multiple ways! We even made spaghetti paintbrushes.

Attention autism has included colour themed bubbles, rainbow rain and lemonade fountains. Our TEACHH workstations have included pizza decoration and sorting from smallest to largest. We have also worked hard on matching Numicon and building ‘Pisa’ the leaning tower inside and outside.

This week we have enjoyed choosing and creating our own ice cream cones, our turn taking skills have progressed! Our visits to Asda have continued, we continue to be very proud of pupils’ travel training progression.

In addition, we have explored ‘gondolas’ in our water play and incorporated our oral motor skills. It was great to see the boys engaging alongside each other in parallel play for sustained periods!

We hope you all have a restful weekend!