We have had another lovely week in 9A this week. 

We have finished reading our fantasy book ‘ Leon and the place in between’, all the learners have enjoyed reading the book and creating their own magical place. They also wrote some fantastic descriptive stories about what they thought Leon might see behind the magic door.  

In our science lessons we have looked at methods we could use to separate different materials, like filtering, decanting and sieving. We talked about how the sieve, and fabric worked to separate the sand and water or the flour and plastic pegs and why the oil sat on top of the water. 

In our art lessons we have started our pop art pictures, we took pictures of our own faces and then traced around them on plastic sheets. Next week we will add lots of fun colour. 

On Wednesday we had our swimming lessons again and the learners did some great swimming, it’s lovely to see their confidence growing in the water each week. 

On Thursday the sun came out just long enough for us to enjoy our community visit to the park. We all explored lots more of the equipment this week and enjoyed playing together. 

On Friday some of us took part in work experience in primary classes. The class teachers told us what amazing help 9A had been and how much they had enjoyed having them. In the afternoon we had celebration assembly and found that star of the week of the week this week is Joseph   For making great choices when faced with a difficult situation. Well done Joseph. 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday.