This week in 9A we have been looking at Character descriptions. We read a description of a character and then had to draw what we thought they looked like from the description. We had some brilliant interpretations and pictures. 
On  Monday we were lucky enough to have a special yoga session in the hall, we all joined in with the poses and then enjoyed a nice relaxation with the sound bowl.

In maths we have been looking at measurements, estimating how long we think things are and then measuring them to see how accurate we had been. We measured all sorts of things from books to the length of the corridor. 

This week we started making our own wands using papier-mache, whilst making them we talked about how all the wands would be unique just like us. They have been drying out nicely ready for us to paint next week. 

On Tuesday afternoon we finished off our pop-art print pictures that we started last week with Mrs Mahood. The learners all took their time choosing the perfect colours to complement the backgrounds, they look great and are ready to go on display in the class room. 

We were able to go swimming again this week the learners tired themselves out with all their fantastic swimming. 

On Wednesday afternoon we created some monsters. Wehad 4 pots of describing words, these were shapes, sizes, patterns and colours. The learners chose a word from each pot and then created a monster using the words. They got very creative with their monsters. 

In P.E this week we tried running long distances around the track, practiced our throwing and catching and even had a try at the battle ropes. Miss Bentham decided that they are much harder than they look. 


Our community visit to Withy grove was great fun, the weather stayed dry just long enough for us to have our lunch and a good play on the park. 


On Friday some of us had our work experience, all of the teachers commented on how much they enjoy having our learners in their classes. They all enjoy setting good examples for the younger learners and helping with their daily routines. As a class team we are really proud of them for the effort they are putting in. 

In our PSHE lesson we were looking at human rights and why they are so important. We talked about how they help to keep us safe and protected.

Friday afternoon we had golden time and then celebration assembly. In celebration assembly we found out that this week’s star of the week was Aaron, for being more confident with swimming and putting in a huge amount of effort. Well done Aaron.