11R have had a busy last week leading up to our half-term break!

On Monday we had our usual maths lesson and in the afternoon we had a science lesson. We were learning abouts forces with Miss Anderton and today we were talking about wind power. We built our own windmills and coloured them in, and then we took them outside to see if they would spin. It wasn't very windy but we got a bit of movement!

On Tuesday it was World Hunger Day and we spent the morning learning about how some people in the world don't have enough food, or they don't have food that is very good for them. We created our own healthy plates of food and also had a look at the nutritional information on the back of some food packets. In the afternoon we had our food tech lesson where, as a treat, we made chocolate chip cookies. They were a really easy recipe and everyone said they were delicious!

Wednesday meant us finishing off all of our speaking and listening exams which means everyone has finished their accreditation! In the afternoon we continued last weeks history lesson learning about the Great Plague of 1665, where this week we researched the village of Eyam in Derbyshire to see how they survived the plague.

In the morning on Thursday, some of us went to our final session at the Life Centre at Chorley Hospital. This week we were joined by Mr Welsh as we recapped everything we had done over the half-term and what bits we enjoyed the most. Those learners we stayed at school did some English work and practiced their SPaG. Chorley in Bloom was flooded so we stayed at school on Thursday afternoon and we made some Pop Art portraits of ourselves with laminating pouches and sharpies.

On Friday morning we had our swimmathon! The learners swam 74 lengths altogether which is a whopping 1850 metres! Everyone did such a good job and were all very proud! If anyone has any sponsor money please could we have it in the first week back. Our star of the week this week is Jake for swimming 18 lengths all on his own in the swimmathon, well done Jake!

We hope everyone has a safe half-term and that you all get lots of rest!

Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter.