9A have had a fantastic end to the half term. We started the week off with a descriptive game where we each drew a head on a piece of paper and then folded the paper. We passed it to someone else and they drew a body. We folded it again and passed it over to someone else for them to draw the legs and feet. At the end we unfolded the paper and looked at our monster creations. We had to write a detailed description of the monsters that we had created. We had some really creative ones - they all looked great. 

Tuesday was World Hunger Day so we had a look at how much food goes to waste every year. We were all shocked to find out that nearly 40 million wheelie bins of useable food goes to waste every year. We talked about what we could do to reduce food waste and then made posters to inform others what they could do. The group had some fantastic ideas, including making vegetable soup or taking leftovers for lunch the next day!

In our last article lesson with Mrs Mahood we created Pop art pictures of David Hockney using bubble wrap and bright colour. We even painted Mrs Smith’s eyebrows green to match Joseph’s picture, which made all the learners laugh. Luckily for Mrs Smith it washed off easily. 

This week in maths we have been looking at column method addition and subtraction. The class have really worked hard and have grasped the method well. 

On Wednesday we had our last swimming session of year 9. Rob, our instructor this week, really worked them hard. Ben and Daniel swam 500m, the equivalent of 20 laps of the pool which was an incredible achievement. Well done boys - we are very proud of you all. 

We have also finished our wands this week, painting them and adding some magic to the end of them. The learners have all been very creative and the wands look great. 

On Thursday we had our community visit to Withy Grove. The weather was not kind to us this week but we still had a lovely mini bus picnic and our own little adventure around the park. 

 On Friday we had our work experience sessions. It’s lovely to see our learners being such good role models to the younger children in school and the class teachers are always very appreciative of all of the help they provide. When we came back to class the learners added a page to their work experience book, talking about everything they have done and adding in some pictures. 

Friday afternoon we had golden time and celebration assembly. We found out that this week’s star of the week is Gemma. Gemma is star of the week for showing fantastic maturity after a scary event earlier in the week. Well done Gemma.