The last 2 weeks have been very busy in 7P! The children have worked super hard and have also had lots of fun too. 

7P have been working on their independence skills in class and around school, trying their hardest to be as independent as they possibly can. Trying to do things without help can be tricky, but it is ok to need some help! 

Some children have been working on their gross motor skills, and trying to get stronger whilst getting more independent. The children have enjoyed getting better and better each time, when using the outdoor sensory circuits and trim trail. Practicing going up and down some tricky steps and using the slide to come back down too! 

We have been getting crafty for a special day coming up… Creating the ‘coolest’ cards and even making the most delicious biscuit treats for the special people at home. 

Mr Ian, one of our amazing site supervisors came into class this week to answer some questions, all about how he helps to keep our school safe. The children all came up with 2 questions each to ask, and used their big voices to ask Mr Ian. Now we know how Mr Ian keeps us, the school and the school grounds safe and clean for us all. Thank you Mr Ian, we are so thankful to have you in our school!

This week was rainbow week, so we did some fabulous team work in 7P to make our flag the most colourful, using our very own handprints. It looked EXCELLENT!! We enjoyed a walk around the track to see everyone else’s flags, their creations and their class colours. It was wonderful. Our colour was yellow for rainbow day, and we got to come in our own clothes on Friday too. We did some rainbow themed activities in class and learned about different families.