What a busy week it’s been in 8A.

This week it’s been Rainbow week and Neurodiversity week.


At the start of the Rainbow activity day the class target was to say one thing they have learnt about Rainbow day / Pride month after the activity. 


Firstly, 8A watched a video about people being different and that some people don’t like things being different. 

We looked at the way different familiars are set up, like two mums, two dads, and mum and dad, single parents and step parents. 

This then lead onto us talking about LGBTQ+ and what it stood for. Good understanding from all. 


We then looked at Neurodiversity. We read through a PowerPoint about looking at how we are all different, which included liking different things but also thinking differently. 


The class then sorted themselves out in height order. They had to work together, which they did and they did an amazing job. Great teamwork everyone. 

The class then used their white board and had to write their hair and eye colour, their favourite food and favourite song. They saw that we all had different answers and liked different things. 


We then wrote down one thing they were good at. We have learners that are good at fishing, Athletics, art work, playing, gardening and PE. 

We continued to write down one thing they find hard to do. This included Science, Maths, controlling emotions, loud noises, keeping on task, interrupting, talking to others, sharing, playing with others, keeping friends and reading people’s emotions. 


Finally 8A had to think of 3 things they like about another peer. What lovely things the learners said about each other. This included having a nice laugh, being arty, a good friend, being kind, caring, always being happy, being polite, helpful and a team player. 


Amongst all of this the learners designed a Rainbow flag. The learners took turns to make a rainbow using hand prints. 

We showed this amazing flag off on our Friday afternoon parade around the track.


What a super week we have all had.