Hola! This week in 9A, we have continued to learn about multiplication and division. Some of us were learning about the multiplication symbol, some of us were learning about sharing and grouping and some of us were even learning about ratio! Great work from everyone. In English, we use our setting and character descriptions written last week to plan our story map for our fantasy stories. We have used lots of creativity to create some fantastic plans for our stories. Watch out for vampires, aliens from other planets and magical portals! On Monday afternoon, we learnt some Spanish sayings. We used our iPads to match together a phrase written in English to a Spanish translation. We will use the greetings and farewells as we come into and leave school. We then used our rulers to see the size of babies when they grow in the womb. We were really surprised to see how small they start and how quickly they grow into a fully formed baby! On Tuesday afternoon, we wrote the lyrics to our anti-bullying rap. We made smart choices with the vocabulary and even made it rhyme! On Wednesday afternoon we visited Haigh Hall again. We braved the rain and had our lunch at the picnic tables near the trim trail. We then walked past the big house up to the main park. We played really nicely together, pushing each other on the swings and helping each other up the climbing frames! On Thursday morning we visited ASDA to get our ingredients for cooking. On the way back we went to Devonshire Road Rec. In the afternoon in hockey, we learnt how to pass the ball to our partners when they are on the move. We found it much harder than when our partner was stood still but we still tried really hard and scored some great goals. We also visited the newly hatched ducklings that are currently in school. On Friday morning, some of us went on our work experience to the primary classes. Ms Wells popped into class and was surprised to find the classroom almost empty. She visited the primary classes where we were working and was very impressed with how well we were working with the younger learners and how we were helping out the teachers! We then went into the food tech room to make our healthy pancakes. We each chose the fruit and sauce we wanted on top - they were a hit! In the afternoon we took part in the Rainbow Day parade, walking laps of the track with the beautifully decorated flag we made. Out star of the week this week is Grace for amazing use of exciting vocabulary in the start of her fantasy story! Great work. We hope you all have a lovely weekend and hope to see you at the Summer Fayre on Saturday - 9A staff are on the drinks and hotdog stall! Adios!