Monday saw the start off sports week.
Willow class started the week off with a yoga class, we practiced our balancing and learned some new stretches.
Willow class then learned more about feels and different feelings that we feel when we are in the yellow zone, willow class came up with some really good ideas and strategies to help us with these feelings.
In the afternoon we started to learn about staying safe online and how we can do this , we talked about keeping passwords safe and why parents and teacher’s monitor what we are doing online.
We then celebrated Miss Smith very special birthday with party games, dancing and cake. Happy Birthday Miss Smith.
Tuesday Willow class enjoyed another sports activity in the hall for sports week, pupils enjoyed and dance routine to warm up before trying some different activities which tested our strength, balancing and throwing skills.
Back in class we played come small group memory and number under the sea games, practicing our turn taking skills.
On Tuesday afternoon Willow class enjoyed a game of rounders, we spilt into two teams and took turns to bat and field, and what a good class of rounders players we have, well done team.
On Wednesday Willow class visited Asda in Chorley as part of our community access, whilst there we bout some items got snack and the ingredients we needed to make our biscuits in the afternoon, some of us discussed the price of items and decided which one was cheaper. At the till we took it in turns to scan our items before paying. All of Willow class behaved really well during our visit, well done everyone.
Wednesday afternoon Willow class practiced their baking skills, we collected all the correct ingredients and equipment needed to make biscuits, measured and mixed them all together before using a star cutter to get starfish shaped biscuits, we cooked them in the oven and took them home to enjoy with our families.
Thursday we enjoyed our PE lesson in the hall, we practiced our jumping skills trying to reach the targets placed at different heights before having a visit from our school ducklings, we enjoyed stroking and holding them.
On Friday some off enjoyed our Hydro session whilst some of us stayed in school where we were looking at poems. We wrote some acrostic poems about the seaside using the words ‘Sand’ and ‘Seaside’.
Friday afternoon we enjoyed another sports session for sports week, we took turns to play basketball and frisbee before having some Golden time and seeing who was Willow class star of the week, well done Arav.