Phew, what a crazy couple of weeks we’ve had in 11G! Hoping that everyone has a well deserved rest this weekend. You’ll be pleased to hear, these last two weeks of school will be a bit less hectic. 


On Monday morning we were swimming at Hindley as usual. This week was a special themed lesson for Drown Prevention week. We talked about why we were wearing clothing in the water today and thought about techniques that would help us if we fell into water such as floating on our backs and shouting for help. We had a go at treading water and then practiced pulling someone to safety using the pool noodles. 

In the afternoon, 10A came to help us finish tidying up after our camping adventures last Friday. We all worked together to match the tents up with their innards, then found the tent poles that matched and rolled them all up together. The trickiest bit was getting everything to fit in the teeny tiny tent bags! It was absolutely roasting outside so we came inside away from the sun and had some ice lollies and chatted about leavers videos. 


Tuesday was our penultimate Tuesday trip, this time to Trafford Centre. We packed up and set off with 11R on what turned out to be a very hot day! We split into classes when we got there and 11G started by spending some time at Barton Square, admiring the photo opportunities that it had to offer. We walked over to the main part of the Trafford Centre where we had a look in some of the shops like the Lego shop and Build a Bear before carrying on exploring the rest of the centre. We ate dinner in the food court with everyone choosing where they wanted to purchase their food from (popular favourites were McDonalds, KFC and Burger King), then all sitting together to eat. After dinner we continued our window shopping, this time having a look in JD and Game as we made our way back over to Barton Square. Time flew so quickly that we didn’t even get chance to look in Primark! We hope that everyone enjoyed themselves. 


Wednesday morning was a very exciting time as it was finally time for our Colour Run and Obstacle course with 10A. Mrs Banks came to tell us that 10A were doing the activities as a sponsored event to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation, a charity very close to her heart. As we have some money left over from our prom funds, we are going to make a donation to Rosemere on behalf of 11G. If you would like to make a donation, please let one of 11G staff know and we will give you the details from Mrs Banks. 

The sun was shining and we all headed outside onto the track where the course had been set up. 11G were first up. We had to run through the foam, crawl under the cargo net, then crawl along the slip and slide whilst having water fired at us, followed by a lap around the track having paint thrown at us. We did 5 laps and were well and truly covered! Then it was 10A’s turn and we returned the favour by throwing paint at them. Lots of staff and pupils came out on the track to cheer us on and we all had a wonderful time together. 


In the afternoon we spent some time talking about the videos that we want to make to show to parents on our last day in school. We have started rewriting a song with our own words about Astley Park so will be learning the new words and perfecting the tune next week. 


On Thursdqy morning we were off bright and early on our next trip. This time to Blackpool Zoo with 11R. We were very lucky with the weather as it stayed dry all day for us! We walked around the zoo and saw lots of animals: peacock, elephant, birds and wolves. Just before dinner, we all sat together to watch the sea lion show then ate our dinner and carried on exploring the zoo. In the afternoon we saw lions, tigers, giraffes, gorillas, orangutans and penguins. 


We eventually made it to Friday and were all very tired! Our final trip of the week was to Happy Mount Park. This was a visit that 11G had requested numerous times due to how much fun we had last year when we had visited. When we arrived it was very very windy, but we didn’t let this spoil our fun. We arrived at the park then headed straight for the splash park as the man from the council said we could go in earlier than planned. It was freezing at first and then everyone seemed to adjust to the temperature, and then the sun came out! After we had all gotten dried off, we sat and ate our dinner then walked over to the play park before heading back on the Tourneos to school. 


As mentioned above, we’ve got a quiet next few weeks. Monday is full transition day for those going to Newman in September whilst the rest of us are swimming. Tuesday is our visit to Battlefield live. Everyone needs to wear dark clothes and old trainers or walking boots. 


Have a good weekend!

Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham and Mr Crofts