Last week was another busy week for 11R!

On Monday we had Miss Anderton for maths in the morning, where we started to plan our dream bedrooms, looking at sizes of rooms and how we would begin to cost everything up. In the afternoon we had science, where we continued to look at energy by making hand powered spinners to see how fast we could get them to go.

On Tuesday we had a trip to the Trafford centre. We started off in Barton Square with a visit to the Trafford centre where some of the learners spent their money on things like bags and stuffed animals. Then we headed to the food court for lunch where everyone got to pick what they wanted from McDonalds. The learners were all very impressed with the big ship and the starry ceiling. We then headed off to some more shops, looking in Clinton’s cards and Game, which was a popular spot. We finished off by heading back into Primark to buy some things we had seen earlier in the day but wanted some time to decide on.

We started our Wednesday off by heading to Chorley ASDA where we all got some breakfast before doing a bit off shopping. On the way back we walked through the shops in the town centre and had a little look in the Works. As it was a really hot day, we vetoed our afternoon PE lesson and had an English lesson instead, writing emails to Mrs Powell all about our trip to the Trafford Centre since she wasn’t there.

On Thursday it was time for our trip to the zoo! When we got there we started off by looking at the capybaras and anteaters, as well as the small primates they had. We then headed through the Wallaby Walk and went to go see the Iberian wolves. After this it was time for the sea lion show, which was amazing and we all said it was incredible how clever the sea lions were. We then went to see the penguins, which are always a favourite, as well as the orangutans, which was extra special as there was a new baby! We then went to see the big cats where we saw some lions and a tiger, followed by the giraffes on the treetop walk.

After lunch, and fending off the seagulls, we went past Gorilla Island where they were enjoying the sun and then we went to visit the camels. After this we went through the World of Wings exhibit where we saw some caimans and lots and lots of different birds. It was nearly time to go but we had just enough time to see some dinosaurs before going to see the elephants. We read lots of facts about them and found out some of them are over 50 years old! It was then time to go, and we had lots of sleepy learners on the bus back to school!

In the morning on Friday we braved the wind and headed to Astley Park. We spent some time on the play area where everyone had a go on the zip line, even Mrs Woods! We then had a bit of a walk round the park, which everyone said was nice and relaxing, before heading back in time for lunch. In the afternoon we had sharing our learning, where everyone had done a piece of work reflecting on prom and their experience. We presented it to the parents and had a look through lots of photos.

Our Star of the Week was Ruby for getting really involved on the trips and asking for help from an unfamiliar adult at ASDA cafe. Well done!

Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter