Another fun sunny week in Willow class.

Some of us enjoyed swimming lesson on Monday morning whilst some of us learned about why and how things float, we did an experiment using cubes.

Monday afternoon we finalised our designs for the making our boats ready for making  at sharing our learning next week and testing next Thursday.

Tuesday we had a discussion about feelings and how we would feel in different situations, there was some really good conversations about feelings and strategies regulate when we are feeling sad, angry or over excited.

On Wednesday we watched our fabulous friends in 10A and 11G complete their colour run for Rosemary care before enjoying a trip to Devonshire road park, where we explored on the different equipment and enjoyed a snack and drink in the sunshine.

Thursday Willow class made fruit kebabs, we choose our fruits then worked in small groups, taking it in turns to chop. everyone was very sensible when chopping their fruit up and putting it onto the kebab sticks. Everyone then enjoyed eating their delicious kebabs.

Thursday afternoon everyone in Willow class graduated, everyone looked fabulous in their gowns and we all had a lovely afternoon.

Some of us enjoyed hydro on Friday morning whilst some of us did some fantastic work in our maths lesson.

During golden time we went onto the field in our graduation gowns on and had some more pictures took, we all had fun and throw our hats in the air.