Maths this week has seen us continue with addition and subtraction, with some learners working on adding 3 1-digit numbers together, adding tens across 100s and even adding and subtracting fractions! 

In English we have been working on our reading skills, spending lots of time reading our books to the adults in class and answering some tricky questions about what we are reading.

On Tuesday afternoon, we heading through town to Asda. We couldn't buy anything from the market this week because he didn't have what we need but we'll try again next week! We use lots of our maths skills whilst shopping, working out totals, the best deals and even the change we were going to get. 

On Wednesday we headed over to Hindley for swimming. A new swimming teacher will be starting in the next week or two, so will be nice to meet them. In the afternoon we talked about healthy tips that we could follow and the benefits they would bring to our lives. Some ideas were sleeping more, drinking more water and even less screen time! You heard it here first! 

On Thursday morning we made a healthy pasta - we used red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and tinned tomatoes to make a sauce that we added lentils to. Again this week, all that tried it liked it. We hope that some made it home for our families to try! In the afternoon, we did hockey. This week we moved on from just defending to actually tackling. We found it hard but gave it a good go before we played 3 vs 3 games. 

Friday morning saw us back 'working' around school. It really is great to see everyone building those relationships and working together. In the afternoon we had golden time and celebration assembly. Our star of the week this week is Gemma for being positive whilst doing work experience and receiving great feedback from staff. Well done Gem!