Our ‘new’ food this week was passion fruit. Everyone that tried it liked it, with some saying it was sweet and a few saying it was sour. On Wednesday the students were learning more on the topic Witches and Wizards. We drew our own wizards, discussed names and different spells they could do.

This week in our Food Tech lesson we used our Choiceworks app to make a jam sandwich. We followed the schedule from washing our hands, buttering and putting jam on the bread to finally enjoying eating them. Everyone did exceptionally well.

7A took part in a class treasure hunt this week, we had to find different items from around the classroom. Once they had found all items it was reversed and everything was put back into the correct places.

On Wednesday a small group went to Asda on our community visit, they went on the school minibus armed with a shopping list. They used their good looking skills to look at signs to find the items they needed. Then they used the self scan tills to scan the items, pack the bag and pay. Excellent teamwork!!! They then enjoyed their treat at the café.

On Thursday 7A had PE. Everyone showed off their best dance moves dancing away to our favourite Just Dance tracks.

7A have also enjoyed learning game session’s, which showed how well they are doing with their turn taking. Another fantastic week… well done 7A.

Enjoy your weekend.