Week 7 We did it in 7P!


Well, what an awesome half term we have had in the new 7P of 2024-2025. 

It’s been lovely getting to know all the learners individually as the weeks have gone by and of course them getting to know us. 

We have done cooking in food tech, (hope you have enjoyed tasting the end results) and visited the library and the park. In school we have looked at books like “Meg and Mog” and the “Room on the Broom”, and have done some great colourful semantic work recalling what had happened in the story. 

We have made potions and looked at reversible and irreversible items in our science activities. 

We have worked on Zones of Regulation and looked at how we feel and ways we can help our emotions which we will continue throughout the school year. 

We have worked on our numbers and looked at how our bodies work and labelled our bodies.

7P have really enjoyed having their own iPads in class. We will be doing more school work using their iPads next term within our learning.

We have had a bouncy castle fun and ice cream eating too along with a few fun activities during non uniform days. 

We have also celebrated Jeans for Genes Day, MacMillan Coffee Morning and Black History Month this half term too. Thanks for supporting us with these. 


It’s just been fun packed time in 7P and we are some proud of how they have all settled in. 


Have a fab half term 

From 7P team.