The last couple of weeks have been go, go, go!
Picture news last week was about that UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has stated that building new homes is a 'top priority' and the government has announced changes to planning rules, to make housebuilding in the countryside easier.
We discussed whether we should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?
A great discussion ensued about trees and animals disappearing if building continued. Also that we could lose our parks and play areas due to houses being built. We did a class activity where we matched different houses and homes to their names. Some of us were surprised you could have a home on a boat!
During Miss Troughton’s Our Creativity lesson we were given a painting and asked to replicate it using watercolours. We really enjoyed doing this and they looked fabulous when we had finished. Well done everyone.
We continued with measuring in our Thinking and problem solving, some of us were drawing around 2D shapes and then measuring the perimeter. Some matched numbers to the amount of objects, after completing our individual tasks we used the Purple Mash app and worked through the to-do list of maths games.
In the World around us we discussed Humanism and what this meant.
Humanism is a philosophy of life that considers the welfare of humankind - rather than the welfare of a supposed God or gods – to be of paramount importance.
Everyone completed a task where we could draw or write something that we take care of in our life’s.
During PE we worked our way around different stations. We did hula hooping, throwing and catching bean bags and balls and making patterns with the gymnastic ribbons.
7A worked very hard this week and all staff are extremely proud of each and everyone of them.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.