This week in Oak class we have been independently decorating pancakes and making our own drinks. In our Attention Autism sessions we enjoyed watching Miss Melling splatting ‘5 current buns’ and showing us how to pour our very own drinks. Then it was our turn to decorate pancakes with fruit and cream or see if we could pour a little juice then stop before it got to the top. We all did a super job, well done everyone!

We continue to increase our skills during P.E. and bikes, from balancing on the bench, riding the diddy cars, scooter boards and holding on whilst riding the trikes. We are also trying really hard following our self-care schedule during dressing too.

Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley Park exploring the woodland looking at what we can see and hear. A small group enjoyed fun at Devonshire Park taking turns on the equipment with our friends.

This week we have been exploring different games in our continuous provision and on the playground with the help of communication boards and turn taking with our friends.

Some of us also transitioned over to the food technology room to prepare and make our very own fruit skewers. Miss Beck was very proud of us all as we even helped to wash up. Well done everyone, you are all super stars!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

From all of Oak Class Team.