Hello everyone, please enjoy this blog to help you learn about the religion of Islam. This blog has been researched and written by Hasan in Willow class. I hope you enjoy learning about this religion.- Miss Riley, Willow Class
What is Islam?
Islam is a religion practiced by Muslims.
Do they have a deity or key figure linked to Islam?
Muslims believe in Allah is the one and only god and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.
Where is Islam practiced? Is there a special place of worship?
Muslims go to the Masjid/Mosque where they pray.
What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
The holy book is called the Quran/ Qu’an
What values does Islam teach?
Some of the values are kindness to others and respect to parents.
Does Islam have any special days or festivals?
The festivals are 30 days of Ramadan and the 2 Eids. Ramadan is where Muslims fast for 29 or 30 days to show how devoted they are to their faith and to be closer to Allah. Fasting means not to eat all day until sunset prayer.