17 Jan

World Religion Week in Chestnut Class

This year for World Religion Week, Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring light linked to the Sikh celebration of Diwali. We made salt dough Diya lamps during our attention autism sessions and enjoyed turning the lights off and signing about our lamps on Friday afternoon to mark the end of the week.…

17 Jan

Spring 1 Week 2 In 10P

We’ve had another busy week in 10P!


On Monday most of us went to Asda in the morning to do some shopping for the week. Once we had bought all we needed we went to the cafe to buy ourselves some breakfast. This term we are starting some work experience placements so on Monday morning…

17 Jan

A wintry week in Beech

This week Beech class have continued to explore winter. During our continuous provision, we explored different sensory snowmen, washed arctic animals, made our own snow and counted ice cream scoops. 

During our adult led activities, we used our fine motor to do some cutting and sticking,…

9 Nov

9P Diwali

In the first week back after October half term, we learnt about Diwali; a religious festival that is celebrated by Hindu people across the world. We taught the children that Diwali means 'festival of lights' and that houses, shops and public places are decorated with lights. We learnt about why…

1 Nov

Music, Baking, Halloween and Diwali in 7A

This week in 7A has been a busy one!

Our ‘new’ food this week was plums. Some of us had never tried plums but we all really enjoyed them. A few people said they were like a cross between an apple and orange.

Autumn poems found the rhyming words and then coloured rhyming words in different…

1 Nov

Welcome back Willow class !

This week willow class have had a very busy week. Some of the children went swimming working on their water confidence and techniques. On Wednesday some children had a lovely walk to the park working on their road safety and stranger danger. Towards the end of the week we explored the celebration…

28 Oct

Astley Park celebrates Diwali

This week at Astley Park, pupils have been learning about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali.  It is also known as the ‘Festival of Light’ and celebrates good overcoming evil. 
Classes throughout school have celebrated this in lots of different ways, from Attention Autism sessions, to sensory…

26 Apr

11G Summer Week 2

Happy Friday! We have had a very busy week this week in 11G and as of today we have less than 50 days of 11G left!

On Monday morning Mrs Cobham was needed to cover in 9P next door, so Miss Snailham very kindly offered to come into school for an extra day to cover for Mrs Cobham. We all went to…

26 Apr

Willow Class learn about Passover

This week Willow class learnt about Passover. First the class listened to a story about Passover. Willow class then did different activities about Passover. These included, comprehension activities, I Spy and making Passover cards. 

Willow class have also been swimming, made sandwiches and…

24 Apr

Celebrating Passover in 9P

We had a lovely afternoon celebrating the Jewish festival of Passover- we watched a power point about this important event in the Jewish Faith.
We learned that the Jewish people had a party which lasted 7 or 8 days.

We learned lots of new words- and were all very interested in the Seder…

22 Apr

7A – Summer 1 – Week 1

Welcome back 7A!

Last week 7A jumped back into routine and explored what we are learning about over the summer term. 7A, 8A and 9A are all learning under the theme of ‘Welcome to Hogwarts’ and have been spilt into the Hogwarts houses, earning points for their house (at the end of the term the…

19 Apr

11G First Week Back of our Last Ever Term!

Welcome back to our final term for 11G at Astley Park School! How crazy does that sound?! We hope that everyone had a lovely Easter break. We are all raring to go for our last term. 


On Monday morning we welcomed everyone back to class. As I mentioned in my email before we came back, the…