On Tuesday 26th January we will be holding our first virtual ‘Chill & Chat’ session with parents and carers. The first session will be focused on supporting learning and well-being at home during these challenging times. The aim of the session is to provide an informal forum for parents to have a chat with other parents and staff about any challenges they are facing or to share any advice/strategies that are working well for them during this time. Mrs Patterson, Mrs Clarke and Miss Curry will be supporting the session which will be from 10.30am -11.30am via Teams, you are welcome to stay for the whole session or you can use it as a ‘drop in’ if that is more convenient for you. Class teachers will be emailing parents with the ‘Chill & Chat’ Teams link to enable you to access the meeting.
We will be holding a Chill & Chat session each half term and any ideas for future sessions would be very welcome to ensure that the sessions are as useful and relevant as possible. Hopefully at the end of the first session we will be able to gather some ideas for subsequent sessions.
If you need any further information, please email clarkea@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk
We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday 26th January for our first ‘Chill & Chat session’.